PhormiTex 55 - Tomates LIS

'Last winter we saved up to 30% in energy cost!'

Last week, Phormium’s sales manager Marta Gentile spent a very interesting day together with José Ignacio Cuerva González, production and operation director of TOMATES LIS, and Juan Miguel Morales Sandoval, export director of RUFEPA TECNOAGRO, to follow up the second phase of the wonderful project TOMATES LIS in Alicante. Greenhouse manufacturer RUFEPA did an excellent job in delivering high-tech glass greenhouses equipped with all high-end technologies and the PHORMIUM climate screen PhormiTex 55.


We are a company based on tradition and technology” states José Ignacio.  


Founded in 1916 by Federico Lis. Tomates Lis is since 1953 specialized in the cultivation of tomatoes. As from 2022, the grower is focusing on selected varieties of gourmet cherry tomatoes. 

From the decision to step into the highest quality of the range it came their need of achieving optimal climate conditions by building glass greenhouses with high-tech automation and, of course, the market’s excellence in climate screens: Phormium.


Our tomatoes grow under natural light, not artificial and we produce over the whole year” says José Ignacio. “Therefore our aim was to have a screen which could deliver not only the perfect shading degree, but also the right light reflection as well as energy saving, both during the day and at night over the four seasons. We agreed with Rufepa that PhormiTex 55 was the right match.


The aluminum tapes of PhormiTex 55 allow higher light reflection during the hottest summer days and achieve significantly higher energy savings compared to the standard white closed shading screens, during the coldest winter nights. 


Last winter we saved up to 30% in energy cost” continues José Ignacio. 


Also, the woven structure of Phormium’s closed screens is an additional, important, and unique feature which further helps to achieve a higher energy saving capacity during the full lifetime of the screen.


Besides those very important factors, Tomates Lis was also looking for a screen which was 100% European quality, strong and durable. 

Once again PhormiTex 55 nailed it: it consists of a strong woven structure, is fully manufactured in Europe and comes with 8-years warranty. 


The first phase of the TOMATES LIS-project already showed excellent production performances, and there is strong confidence that the second one will confirm it, and so will the next ones to come. 


Phormium cannot be prouder to be part of such a flagship project in Spain and to cooperate with Rufepa, one of the most known and appreciated greenhouse builders worldwide. 


Excited to continue this journey together!


Also read the article on HortiDaily- 29 June 2023:


Interested in this screen or in the complete range of Phormium high-quality screens & ground covers?

For more information and/or samples, contact your  local sales manager, contractor, installer, or dealer.